A Collection of Thoughts on God, Prophetic Art, the Prophetic Painter's Process, and the Meditative Reflections that Lead to Sanctified Art.

Notes From The Fortress of Solitude


Notes From The Fortress of Solitude

In the world of comic books, Superman had his place to retreat, the Fortress of Solitude. It was located near the North Pole, far away from the world's distraction and hectic pace. It was his secret place. I also have a secret, retreat place. It's a place to meet with a real-life hero, Jesus of Nazareth.

I used to call it "my cave", but it's not a place to escape from life, nor is it a hole in the ground. I don't run to it only when things go bad, or when I get wounded. When I'm there, I'm not in the dark. You see, it's a place filled with light. When I go there the atmosphere of Heaven surrounds me. It's where I find strength, strategies, and revelation. It's my high tower. It's my personal Fortress of Solitude.


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Tuesday, May 15, 2012


This post developed in response to a Facebook discussion about the Movie, "August Rush" and a new Fox TV show, "Touch". Touch is on Thursday nights, right after national idolatry (Oops, American Idol).

There's an attraction that people have to things that bind us together. Anarchy doesn't work. Interdependence does. Movies and TV shows, (like August Rush and Touch) that explore the inter-connectedness of Man tap into this.

It's written in creation. It's written in God's word. God told Adam to "shamar" (keep, maintain, guard) His garden. Concerning Abel's disappearance, Cain with misunderstanding, responds to God, "What am I, my brother's Shamar?"

I think God's silent answer was, "Yes, Cain, you are!"

God desires that the walls that separate us fall to the ground. He wanted Jonah to go to a foreign people to bring warning. Jonah eventually complied to the Lord's pressing.

God wants us to care for each other, no matter if it's your neighbor or some foreigner on the other side of the globe.

The evidence is there.

Even science is arriving at the conclusion. Quantum physics speak loud about the subject - the relation of things. Is it a wave or a particle? Tiny components seem to know what the scientist is wanting. They "cooperate" with the scientist and become what is expected in the tests. It messes the researcher up.

In their studies, they find that two waves or particles in relation to the same stimulus or source, no matter how far apart, react the same way. A butterfly flaps it's wings on the other side of the planet. It affects us here on this side.

Angels and saints in worship before God fall down before Him. They cast their crowns before Him. Though the weight of His presence is on them, they all get up for another round, soon to be flattened again.

We worship in this reality. We find ourselves buckling in the knees before God, and down we go for the count. We get up again. It happens again.

I think that this happens in sync with Heaven. We (us here and those in Heaven) fall down together. We act in Quantum. We, in both realities, behave the same way in the presence of the same stimulus or source, God.

The next time you feel the compulsion to fall down during worship, it may be that your loved one in Heaven, has just fallen down before Him, also.

You see, this inter-relationship even goes beyond this globe.

There is thread that connects God's Kingdom Folk. (see a vision concerning this at “The Shower Of Gold Coins
"). This thread that binds us is not unique to us. It was God's design from the get-go. This is why movies like August Rush are so popular. They address a cry, a longing, to love each other and the existence of a personal entity who moves us toward each other.

God made Man to love. Love in the vertical aspect (loving God), and love in horizontal aspect (loving each other). We also are made to be loved (in both aspects as well).

God sees us in many ways. He sees us individually. He sees us corporately. He listens to our weeping when we come to Him in brokenness. He views a group as one. He'll even refer to an entire nation as one person.
That thread that binds His people is laced with love that covers it like wax. He sees us beyond national origin, race, and identities that separate. Jesus holds us together (read the section starting at Colossians 1:15). His love binds us. We really are our brother's Shamar.

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