Ever wonder why He wrote on the ground?
the rocks were found
ready to be hurled
He wrote on the ground
my destiny unfurled
the rocks were dropped
my accusers stopped
what did He write
that turned faces white
follow Him I must
the One that I trust
He sees me differently
than all other men
treats me wonderfully
because it's when
the bulk of my pain,
soaked up and sponged
the heart pains soothed
while sin-crimes expunged
evaporate to dark mist
and sink into dark past
but ongoing lingering
of whispers about me
judgments cranked
where God has no mem'ry
those that take sides
have no understanding
their thoughts of me just
like hot iron branding
head below heart
positioned to depart
to the place of meeting
to heal heart's bleeding
Yeshi does understand
life's cruel cold hand
yes, He does understand
He's both eraser
—and embracer
forgiven and held
my spirit propelled
shot into the heights
without former frights
now i could face them
now it's no problem
why should i care
about man's approval?
i, as reject,
became His project
when life goes south
and things go bust
instead of hardening
developing crust
run to Him
the one to trust
to Him alone, yes,
to Him, you must.
- Tony Mujica © 2011