A Collection of Thoughts on God, Prophetic Art, the Prophetic Painter's Process, and the Meditative Reflections that Lead to Sanctified Art.

Notes From The Fortress of Solitude


Notes From The Fortress of Solitude

In the world of comic books, Superman had his place to retreat, the Fortress of Solitude. It was located near the North Pole, far away from the world's distraction and hectic pace. It was his secret place. I also have a secret, retreat place. It's a place to meet with a real-life hero, Jesus of Nazareth.

I used to call it "my cave", but it's not a place to escape from life, nor is it a hole in the ground. I don't run to it only when things go bad, or when I get wounded. When I'm there, I'm not in the dark. You see, it's a place filled with light. When I go there the atmosphere of Heaven surrounds me. It's where I find strength, strategies, and revelation. It's my high tower. It's my personal Fortress of Solitude.


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Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Custom Redux Impasto Canvas Master
Oil, Sand on Canvas
painted with knives
—Tony Mujica © 2012

This is derived from a painting I did years ago. I incorporated sand into the surface of the canvas, and then painted with a knife. This started out as a background for another painting, but I left it as is, because I enjoyed it too much.

Kingdom Conflict is the idea that there are two kingdoms in the spiritual realm. The Kingdom of GOD and the Kingdom of Satan. Although GOD is always in control, there is the dynamic of one side advancing while the other side catches up. GOD will even allow the dark kingdom to advance ahead for a season to bring out qualities in His Kingdom. Israel's history displays this throughout the Old Testament. The concepts of dominion contention and Shabat (rest), have play here in Kingdom Conflict. When God's people do not contend for Dominion, they give up their inheritance and place of rest (dominion). The next generation has to fight to get back dominion or lose further ground.

This painting abstractly shows the invasion of Glory into Darkness. John 1:5 says,"The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." Some versions use comprehend instead of understood.
The basic idea is like a light switch. You can turn on light in a room, but you can't turn on darkness. Darkness is always overtaken by light. When you go into an old school photography darkroom, the slightest leak of light will ruin the photo development. This is light/dark in the perfect world.

"Why then do we have so many problems with the Kingdom of Darkness?", you may be asking. The answer is complex, but boils down to one basic thing. Us. Our compliances with Satan fuels his kingdom structure. There are three things at play: mankind (us), Light (God), and Darkness(Satan). We are the center point here. We line up with one of the two others, but never both. Two-thirds majority rules (Well, not really. GOD can at any given point override the rule —after all, we are created, so is Satan, but He is uncreated. He is GOD), except when GOD uses his Sovereign option. That's when He does something because He wants to do it, regardless of the situation or when He does things to coincide with His perfect will and plan.

Another way to understand this is to replace a few words. The Kingdom of Light becomes the Kingdom of Love. The Kingdom of Darkness becomes the Kingdom of Fear. When Love rises, Fear cowers. When Fear moves forward, Love pulls back. What happens when Perfect Love (Agape) rises? Fear is cast out. Perfect Love casts out all fear.

In this hour, GOD is raising up His people not only to love the things He loves or hate the things he hates. He is calling us into exercising Agape love. That is love without a hook in it. Love that has no agenda. It is applied without consideration of return.It knows no boundaries or limits. This Love, which is the GOD kind of love is "so that the love with which You loved Me (Jesus) may be in them, and I in them." (John 17:26 b)

However dormant, we have that kind of love inside of us. We will have to operate in this high level of love, as we move forward into hard times ahead. It's time to wake up, oh sleeper!

—Tony Mujica © 2012
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