A Collection of Thoughts on God, Prophetic Art, the Prophetic Painter's Process, and the Meditative Reflections that Lead to Sanctified Art.

Notes From The Fortress of Solitude


Notes From The Fortress of Solitude

In the world of comic books, Superman had his place to retreat, the Fortress of Solitude. It was located near the North Pole, far away from the world's distraction and hectic pace. It was his secret place. I also have a secret, retreat place. It's a place to meet with a real-life hero, Jesus of Nazareth.

I used to call it "my cave", but it's not a place to escape from life, nor is it a hole in the ground. I don't run to it only when things go bad, or when I get wounded. When I'm there, I'm not in the dark. You see, it's a place filled with light. When I go there the atmosphere of Heaven surrounds me. It's where I find strength, strategies, and revelation. It's my high tower. It's my personal Fortress of Solitude.


Deep Unto Deep Video Mix

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Friday, July 15, 2011


Whisk me up to the place I belong
for fresh oil, gold, and the new song.
Save my seat right next to you -
so I can burn with flame so true.

Set me apart from lesser distractions
so I'll engage th' sweet interaction.
For this cause I was formed and made -
my heart's aflame for presence delayed.

My hearts' desires you have set,
filtering purer the closer I get.
Align the thoughts of You and I
to love and know you more, that's why.

Cherished encounters don't have to end.
"Take me with", You say, "We're friends!"

---Tony Mujica © 2011

Eve Bit

Eve bit.

She chewed the intoxicating fruit. Her radiant smile beamed for a brief moment, but something was very different. I watched with sinking heart, as I saw her fiery beauty begin to fade.

Her smile was now gone. Her eyes filled up with liquid, which rolled down her cheeks. Her darkened face flushed red. I saw my love's brow wrinkling in a most peculiar way. She expressed emotion that I didn't know existed. Regret made its way into her. Abba, my father, made her from me when I was asleep. He did his finest work, when he made her. His uncreated Son assisted Him. What beautiful curves they gave her! When I first saw her my heart pounded so loudly, I thought all the animals heard it.

"You're my beautiful one!” I spoke. Just then, I 
heard that hissing serpent laugh.

had to respond. "You're always the most beautiful in all of creation."

Now the serpent fell off his stump, to the floor with creepier laughing hiss.

"Ishy!", she moaned.

Her eyes locked into mine. Her hand extended the passioned fruit to me. I realized she had fallen to some low depth. I was at Eternity's crossing point. 

Thoughts and pictures flashed through my mind. If I pass on the fruit, I knew she would die alone with no route back to Father God. If I eat, I'll die with her. I just couldn't bear to lose her.

"Ishy, please!” she cried.

Images came to my head. Little ones that looked just like us ran to and fro. They grew in stature, and behind them, more little ones came. and they grew in stature. This continued in my mind's eye, over and over, til there were many people.

But in the distance, I saw someone who bore close a resemblance to me. He leaned on a tree. He reminded me of Abba's Son, who often walked with me in the garden.

I looked at His eyes, and then I knew.

I grabbed hold of a redeeming thought:

I am first Adam. The man in the distance is another Adam to come. I had my bride to rescue. The other Adam's eyes told me He had a bride of his own to save.

"She's lonely. Why don't you join her?", serpent said. "What are you waiting for?"

I took the fruit from her hand and brought it towards my mouth.

"No, Ishy, don't!” She interjected, suddenly realizing what would happen to me.

"There'll be a way through this, my love".

I bit.

--- Tony Mujica © 2011
While You're Here You Might As Well Feed The Fish
(Bring your cursor into the tank. Double click to release the bait)